Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hard Truths

My four-year-old nephew informed me yesterday that I am not a grown-up because I live with my mom.  I told him that was ridiculous, because I do not live with my mom.  I live with Spencer's mom.

But you have a mom, right?


And you listen to her?


Apparently that's his case for me not being a grown-up.

Also, he thinks I take naps and eat snacks all day.  And asks why I don't have a job.  And tells me I never shave my legs.

I told him that my life is not all naps and snacks.  There are also a lot of video games in there.  And I am trying to get a job so please stop rubbing salt in the wound.  And that I shaved yesterday.  Which is literally true although misleading.  I shaved my underarms yesterday.  

He keeps me honest. 

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